
Please find information here about how to access survey datasets that I've collected and what is contained in each. You are welcome to use this data, I just ask that you cite it.

The Race and Carceral State Survey (N=11,166)

Principal Investigators: Allison Anoll and Mackenzie Israel-Trummel

The Race and Carceral State Survey was fielded from May 11 to June 9, 2017 via Survey Sampling International to a sample of 8,093 White and 3,073 Black Americans. The survey instrument includes several experiments, detailed questions on experiences with carceral state institutions, racial attitudes, and standard demographic questions.

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The 2016 Oklahoma City Exit Poll (N=1,297)

Principal Investigators: Ana Bracic, Mackenzie Israel-Trummel, and Allyson Shortle

The Oklahoma City Election Day Exit Poll was conducted on November 8, 2016. The survey was fielded to 1,297 voters from twelve precincts at eight polling locations in OKC. Students from the University of Oklahoma acted as survey enumerators. Voters were randomly sampled as they exited the precinct and offered the chance to participate in the survey. The survey includes questions about presidential, congressional, and senate vote choice, and vote on a variety of ballot initiatives (death penalty, education spending, reclassification of some felonies to misdemeanors, "right to farm"/regulation, removing constitutional ban on public money spent on religion, regulation of alcoholic beverages). There are a variety of attitudinal measures including issues like the economy, view of the state supreme court, attitudes toward the death penalty, BLM support, Syrian refugee entry, immigration attitudes, and ascriptive nationalism. 

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The 2018 Oklahoma City Exit Poll (N=1,359)

Principal Investigators: Ana Bracic, Mackenzie Israel-Trummel, and Allyson Shortle

The Oklahoma City Election Day Exit Poll was conducted on November 6, 2018. The survey was fielded to 1,359 voters from twelve precincts at eight polling locations in OKC. Students from the University of Oklahoma acted as survey enumerators. Voters were randomly sampled as they exited the precinct and offered the chance to participate in the survey. The survey includes questions about congressional vote choice, gubernatorial vote choice, state legislative vote, and vote on three ballot initiatives (victims' rights, creation of a government fund from oil and gas taxes, and changes to ad valorem school district taxes). There are a variety of attitudinal measures including issues like immigration, sexism, racism, linked fate, perceived discrimination, attitudes toward trans people, ascriptive nationalism, experiences of harassment, and support for Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation. 

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City of Williamsburg Exit Poll Survey 2022 (N=578)

Principal Investigator: Mackenzie Israel-Trummel

The Williamsburg Election Day Exit Poll was conducted on November 8, 2022. The survey was fielded to 578 voters at the two precincts in the City of Williamsburg, Virginia. Students from William & Mary acted as survey enumerators as part of GOVT 307: Survey Polling/Analysis. Voters were randomly sampled as they exited the precinct and offered the chance to participate in the survey. In total, of the 2,284 voters who cast ballots at these precincts on Election Day, 998 voters (43.7%) were approached to be surveyed and of these, 578 consented to participate (57.9% consent rate). Survey includes questions about congressional vote choice, abortion, housing, the economy, gun control, voter ID, racial discrimination, and religious nationalism. 

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City of Williamsburg Exit Poll Survey 2023 (N=584)

Principal Investigator: Mackenzie Israel-Trummel

The Williamsburg Election Day Exit Poll was conducted on November 7, 2023. The survey was fielded to 584 voters at the two precincts in the City of Williamsburg, Virginia. Students from William & Mary acted as survey enumerators as part of GOVT 307: Survey Polling/Analysis. Voters were randomly sampled as they exited the precinct and offered the chance to participate in the survey. In total, of the 2,049 voters who cast ballots at these precincts on Election Day, 863 voters (42.1%) were approached to be surveyed and of these, 584 consented to participate (67.7% consent rate). The survey includes questions about state legislature vote choice, the economy, McCarthy's removal as Speaker, abortion, political participation, perceptions of group conflict, openness to conspiracy beliefs, and social network partisanship. 

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